
Many of us have experienced it. That moment when we realize that someone truly special has touched our lives and we will never truly ever be the same. Sometimes it’s family but sometimes it’s a total stranger. Regardless, there is a story we have deep within our hearts that we want so desperately to tell. We want to yell it out to the rooftops and let others know how these people touched our lives and our souls. Now is your chance. Tell your story…tell others about that special person and let that special person know how much and how deeply he/she has touched your life. Whether that person is still living or resting in peace this is the place to dedicate a special blog piece written just for them.

Self expression is encouraged so feel free to send me the name and anything else you would like to include in the dedication (pictures, poems, letters, etc…). I will then take those items and create your page. You can then send and share the page with whomever and with how many people as you like.

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